IQService: June 2022 Release – Auto Update Feature

So this snuck it without much fanfare but I was waiting for this feature (and just in time) as a client had just asked about it.

IDN is a great SaaS platform application which requires very little on-prem deployments. VA (Virtual Appliance) is obviously the key one but all the security and patching is managed by SailPoint itself. 

IQService is another must have tool for most clients as it is needed for AD Provisioning (among few other things it does for other connectors). So its generally deployed in nearly every client instance. One of the main thing about this is that it was not autoupdated and thus client needed to download the latest and do an update themselves. Although its not a lot (maybe twice a year) but still good to have a software which can patch itself to latest version. And of course this is optional and who don’t want this can choose not to install the feature but we highly recommend it.  

You DON’T need to give internet access to the IQService boxes to download latest updates. The latest IQService binaries are pushed to and are present on VA. This is via our existing process of update bundles being pushed to VA from cloud. At connector level, version is checked for IQService and if there is mismatch (new version available), latest version will be pushed out to UpdateService from the VA (As they already have line of sight to each other). Then UpdateService will coordinate and update local and then remote services.  It is quite simple process where in the respective services are stopped and binaries are replaced.

Article assumes you know what IQService is and where to deploy it. I will quickly give some commands on how to do so with the latest release. I will show various setups and quick commands to run to update them.

NOTE: You must have Provisioning License to use IQService. Talk to your CSM about it and make sure you are licensed to use it.


Uninstall Previous IQService

Single Box install with Fallback Implementation

  • Installing TLS port only: 5060
  • UpdateService Port: 5062
  • User authenticating against IQService: abc\sailpoint
  • Software downloaded and extracted: C:\SailPoint\IQService\
  • Domain: abc.local
  • Certificates already configured and working for TLS (Check this post to do self sign cert for home labs)
  • Firewall is open for TLS port. You don’t have to open for 5062 as no remote IQService is connecting to it in this configuration. 
Check Status of Services
Check Status of UpdateService

IQService UpdateService

Multiple Box Install with Client Side Load Balancer

  • Installing TLS port only: 5060
  • UpdateService Port: 5062
  • User authenticating against IQService: abc\sailpoint
  • Software downloaded and extracted: C:\SailPoint\IQService\
  • Domain: abc.local
  • Certificates already configured and working for TLS (Check this post to do self sign cert for home labs)
  • Firewall is open for ports 5060 TLS on both servers and on primary server for UpdateService 5062 to accept incoming requests from other IQService boxes for update check.
  • Installing on two boxes: (considered primary) ; (considered secondary)
  • Box boxes can talk to each other for UpdateService (installing UpdateService here) (Going to connect to above UpdateService Instance)

That is it!!! you should have an IQService which can update itself and keep the environment updated with latest features and bug fixes.


AD Home Lab LDAPS Setup for SailPoint IDN TLS Connection

Welcome 2020 (Or not)!!! 

Really this year needs to end. Period. Hope everyone is keeping safe and indoors as much as possible.

Been a while I haven’t written something.

Anyways I had a local VM for Active Directory running for my home lab for SailPoint IDN. Now I wanted to setup TLS connection for it. So I thought easy

  1. Create a csr request in AD
  2. Generate a crt
  3. Import the cert in AD
  4. Test Connection via ldp or IDN.

I didn’t want to go through installing a AD CA role for this one process. So I thought I will use OpenSSL which was installed on my Mac. There are many excellent guides on how to enable LDAPS in AD by generating a self signed certificate. By far the easiest I found was this one

But what I found was that the cert being generated didn’t contain the SAN. Found many such issues linked online with openssl command. This is how I fixed it.

Followed the guide till where v3ext.txt is being generated. But used my own as below

The IP Address and additional DNS is just an example. My domain name in example is “abc.local” and DC name is “”. You can add additional DNS entries as per your requirements

And modified the command to execute this file

Rest is all the same in guide. You will get the certificate generated with SAN and imported into your DC. LDAPS will work and IDN and IQService will connect via TLS. And forget about it for 10 years 😛 

Aah the green box of approval from IDN!!! Gods are happy & everything is good in world again!!! 

Hope it helps someone setup their own AD lab at home for AD LDAPS TLS connection without a CA server. Of course this will not be a problem in an enterprise deployment.
