Following from my previous post on how to create a group with both static members and dynamic filter, I came across a scenario where post migration we have some customers who initially had a group with explicit members but we thought they could be converted to a filter based group which matches the business case.
The script below helps you on doing the same. Again using LithnetRMA for the process.
Warning: Again, many custom attributes logic in FIMService for my environment but again you will get the whole idea. I have left the script as-is and not dumbed it down.
Please read my Groups with Static and Dynamic Members in FIMService post to understand the logic I have been applying for Autogen groups and how group and set tie up to each other in FIMService.
- Asks for existing group name (DisplayName) in FIMService.
- If found, outputs the number of explicit members found
- Asks if you want to put a filter on the group and then asks for the XPATH filter (coming soon on how to create XPATH easily)
- Checks if the filter is valid. If so (the fun part)
- Outputs the count of users in the new filter
- Compares the filter users to explicit members and gives a count of
- New members to be added due to filter (i.e. not found in the explicit members list)
- Count of common members found between existing explicit members and XPATH
- Finally gives count of explicit members for the new set to be created (i.e. not found in the new filter).
- Finally if the user wants to continue after above information
- Creates a set with “Autogen-GroupName” and set the filter and explicit members to that
- Modify’s existing group and deletes the current explicit members
- Converts the existing group to a filter based and sets the objectID of the set created above.
- Done
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Import-Module LithnetRMA Set-ResourceManagementClient -BaseAddress "http://YOUR-FIMSERVICE-ENDPOINT:5725" Function ModifyUserGroup($groupObjectID, $setObjectID) { $group = Get-Resource -ID $groupObjectID Write-Host "Deleting Group Explicit Members" -ForegroundColor Cyan $group.ExplicitMember = $null Write-Host "Changing accountType to AutogenGroup" -ForegroundColor Cyan $group.accountType = "AutogenGroup" Write-Host "Changing Group Type to Filter" -ForegroundColor Cyan $group.MembershipLocked = $true $group.MembershipAddWorkflow = "None" Write-Host "Adding Filter to Parent Group" -ForegroundColor Cyan $group.Filter = '<Filter xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" Dialect="" xmlns="">/*[((ObjectType = "Person") or (ObjectType = "Group")) and (ObjectID = /Set[ObjectID ="' +$setObjectID+ '"]/ComputedMember)]</Filter>' $group.connectedSetObjectID = "$setObjectID" try { Write-Host "Modifying Parent Group:" $group.DisplayName -ForegroundColor Cyan Save-Resource $group } catch { Write-Warning ("Unable to modify group:" + $_.Exception.Message) exit } } Function CreateSet($groupObjectID, $groupDisplayName, $explicitmembers, $newfilter) { $set = New-Resource -ObjectType Set $set.DisplayName = "Autogen-" + $groupDisplayName $set.accountType = "AutogenSet" if ($newfilter) { $set.Filter = '<Filter xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" Dialect="" xmlns="">' +$newfilter+ '</Filter>' } $set.connectedGroupObjectID = $groupObjectID foreach ($member in $explicitmembers) { $set.ExplicitMember.Add($member) | Out-Null } try { Write-Host "Creating new AutogenSet:" $set.DisplayName -ForegroundColor Cyan Save-Resource $set $setObjectID = Get-Resource -ObjectType Set -AttributeName DisplayName -AttributeValue $set.DisplayName return $setObjectID.ObjectID } catch { Write-Warning ("Unable to create set:" + $_.Exception.Message) exit } } Function CheckMembers($explicitmembers, $newfilter) { try { $filtermembers = Search-Resources -XPath "$newfilter" -AttributesToGet ObjectID } catch { $host.UI.WriteErrorLine("Bad Filter") continue } if ($filtermembers -eq $null) { $host.UI.WriteErrorLine("No Users found in new filter") continue } $compare = $explicitmembers | ?{$filtermembers.ObjectID.Value -notcontains $_} Write-Host "New Filter Members:" $filtermembers.ObjectID.Count -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host "Found Common Members Between New Filter & Existing Explicit Members:" ($explicitmembers.Count - $compare.Count) -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host "Total Explicit Members for New Set:" $compare.Count -ForegroundColor Cyan return $compare } Function ConvertStaticToAutogen() { $groupname = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the static group name" $staticgroup = Search-Resources -XPath "/Group[(DisplayName = '$groupname')]" -AttributesToGet ExplicitMember, DisplayName, ObjectID, Filter -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($staticgroup) { Write-Host "Found Group:" $staticgroup.DisplayName -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host "Current Explicit Members:" $staticgroup.ExplicitMember.Count -ForegroundColor Cyan if ($staticgroup.Filter) { $host.UI.WriteErrorLine("This groups has a filter") continue } $hasfilter = Read-Host -Prompt "Do you want to put a filter (y/n)" switch ($hasfilter) { y { $newfilter = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the new filter for the group" $filter = $newfilter.Trim() $newexplicitmembers = CheckMembers ($staticgroup.ExplicitMember.Value) ($filter) } n { Write-Warning "No Filter given" $filter = $null } default { Write-Warning "Please input y or n only" exit } } $confirmcreation = Read-Host "Do you want to continue (y/n)" switch ($confirmcreation) { y { $newSetObjectID = CreateSet ($staticgroup.ObjectID) ($staticgroup.DisplayName) ($newexplicitmembers) ($filter) ModifyUserGroup ($staticgroup.ObjectID.Value) ($newSetObjectID.Value) Write-Host "Done!!!" -ForegroundColor Cyan } n { Write-Host "Exiting without creation" } default { Write-Warning "Please input y or n only" exit } } } else { $host.UI.WriteErrorLine("Group Not Found") continue } } ConvertStaticToAutogen |
Hope it helps.. Please like, share or leave a comment below..