You might have to do reporting and want a list of all users in Azure AD which have a particular license..
Following is an easy way to do so
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Connect-MsolService Get-MsolAccountSku Get-MSOLUser -All | where {$_.isLicensed -eq "TRUE" -and $_.Licenses.AccountSKUID -eq "TENANTNAME:AAD_PREMIUM"} | select displayname,userprincipalname | export-CSV C:\licensedusers.csv -NoTypeInformation |
Get-MsolAccountSku will give you a table of all the License Types you have and count
AccountSkuId | ActiveUnits | WarningUnits | ConsumedUnits |
TENANTNAME:AAD_BASIC | 300000 | 0 | 1 |
TENANTNAME:AAD_PREMIUM | 300000 | 0 | 200000 |
TENANTNAME:AAD_PREMIUM_P2 | 300000 | 0 | 200000 |
TENANTNAME:POWER_BI_STANDARD | 1000000 | 0 | 200000 |
You can then choose the AccountSkuId you want to report on and pass that in the “TENANTNAME:AAD_PREMIUM” of the Get-MSOLUser command
It took me about 20 min to run this report for about 155000 users