So after my previous post I got a lot of queries about it. Thanks for reading it 🙂 

Wanted a slimmer edition which didn’t require all the additional dockers like LDAP etc

So v2 – slim edition

Note: All disclaimers still valid from previous post


This time I am using this git repo:

Only changes to docker-compose.yaml was the path to my own locations. Also ports as current 8080 were used for other containers. Passwords and ports obviously changed 🙂 

Main changes were to Dockerfile under iiq-build folder. The one on the github is not using latest debian and also had issues installing Oracle JDK

Here is the modified version was also modified to use 8.1 version of identityiq tables create script

Finally I had to update few lines in ./identityiq/WEB-INF/database/create_identityiq_tables-8.1.mysql which comes in IIQ package for me to work

That’s it.. Then build the docker


  • Need to change TOMCAT_VERSION to the one available on at the time of build
  • For some reason in my latest build webapps folder was empty. Had to do manual steps from Dockerfile after login to the sail point_iiq-8085 container. Had to run the webapps folder part (IIQ war file and index file deployment) and then restart container. Will try to figure out later what broke it.

After a few runs I got it up and running on latest version (IIQ 8.1 at the time of writing) and with persistent storage.




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