Fixing MIM Error: The dimage indicates an update or replace operation, but the image doesn’t exist.

So there was a delete operation sent to an AD MA. It was deleted successfully but on import (Full / Delta) MIM was still seeing the object with a staging error

Error: The dimage indicates an update or replace operation, but the image doesn’t exist.

Cause: Unknown – The Object Information was corrupted in connector space.

Resolution: Did some digging with Microsoft and came up with the solution

  • Open SQL Server management studio and logon. Backup FIMSynchronizationService database.
  • In a new query script, input the below command



  • You can get the RDN from the object corrupted.
  • After that, record the object_id from the query result, which we will use in the later statements.
  • Run the below statements to turn it into a phantom


  • Stop the FIM service.
  • Delete the record via the below commands


  • Restarted the FIM Services
  • Run the FIM Sync to see if the issue fixed.

Quick Tip: Get local time for next AzureAD Sync

When you run the command

You get an output similar to

AllowedSyncCycleInterval : 00:30:00
CurrentlyEffectiveSyncCycleInterval : 01:00:00
CustomizedSyncCycleInterval : 01:00:00
NextSyncCyclePolicyType : Delta
NextSyncCycleStartTimeInUTC : 18/05/2017 10:55:42 PM
PurgeRunHistoryInterval : 7.00:00:00
SyncCycleEnabled : True
MaintenanceEnabled : True
StagingModeEnabled : False
SchedulerSuspended : False
SyncCycleInProgress : False

You will notice that the time is in UTC..

Quick one-liner can show you local time

Output is more sane

Friday, 19 May 2017 8:55:42 AM

Extending Azure AD Schema via Graph API – The n00b Guide

I’ve been playing recently on try to figure out how I can extend the Azure AD Schema for my tenant.

In my endeavor, I have come across (till now) two way to do it:

  1. Using AADConnect and selecting directory extension to create the attribute in AzureAD in the form of “extension_{AppClientId}_{attributeName}“. This method works only if I have the custom attribute already in my on prem AD.
  2. Using Graph API to create it directly in Azure AD

Will expand on point 2 in this post. In our scenario, we have some custom attributes which are stored in AD LDS. For security and other reasons we didn’t want those attributes to be in our AD.


Create custom attributes in Azure AD when they are not available to be done via AADConnect Interface


  • Whenever AADConnect is installed for your tenant, it creates an app called “Tenant Schema Extension App”. You can find it in Azure Portal AAD Blade.

  • Click on the App and note its “Object ID”
  • Open
  • Login with the credentials which have write access to AAD (Global Admin or sorts).
  • In the main window select GET and put in the following URL :<ObjectID>

You will see the App details in the window

  • To look at its extensionProperties (which shows the custom attributes created) goto the following link<ObjectID>/extensionProperties

As you would see that it has some custom attributes I have created. The “name” tag has the attribute name with is “extension_{AppClientId}_{attributeName}“.

  • To create a new attribute change the GET to POST and put in the following code to create a new attribute called “newAttribute”

  • Press GO and it will create the new attribute for you

There you go. newAttribute is created and your schema has been extended in Azure AD. You can simply delete that by changing the type to DELETE and putting the URL<ObjectID of App>/extensionProperties/<ObjectID of attribute>


Now here is the bummer. For my scenario I thought when I do then and “Refresh Schema” in AADConnect for AzureAD MA, it will be visible and then I can create custom rules and flows from AD LDS (via Generic LDAP MA). BUT you still can’t see it (tested as of v1.1.524.0) . Microsoft says that this is as per design at the moment. They are thinking of future enhancements or even integrating AD LDS as an option in GUI.

Moreover, if you had directory extension done even by using the GUI (using custom attributes from AD), and you do a refresh schema – it looses those as well saying

The Attribute ‘extension_<GUID>_customAttribute’ could not be located in the schema.

I call this a bug rather than design.


Well, in the end, I couldn’t get to reach my end goal (provisioning values from AD LDS to AzureAD via custom schema) but atleast got there half way and understood how to create custom Attributes in Azure AD via Graph API.


There is more cool stuff you can do with graphAPI and for the people who are hardcore programmers.. not me atm.. Hit up the links below..



FIM/MIM Powershell: XPath Demystified

I have been promising to get this post out there.. So here it is..

If you make extensive use of Lithnet ResourceManagement Powershell for MIM/FIM (You should if you don’t) you will probably be using the cmdlets “Search-Resources” or “Search-ResourcesPaged” which require an “-XPATH” input.

Now my xpath is real bad in for a complicated search.

Thankfully Ryan (Lithnet God) has written a few tools to make it easier for us to write xpath queries. We would use his cmdlets like New-XPathQuery , New-XPathQueryGroup and New-XPathExpression

Let’s start with simple query: Find everyone whose AccountName (string) starts with “P”


/Person[(starts-with(AccountName, ‘P’))]

Easy yeah?

Lets do a boolean: Find every user for whom accountDisabled (Boolean) is present


/Person[((accountDisabled = true) or (accountDisabled = false))]


Lets do a complex one: Find all users who Email Starts with “P” and are not disabled


/Person[((starts-with(Email, ‘P’)) and (accountDisabled = False))]


You can see how you can build on this..

One final one: Find all accounts which have an email address starting with P and are not disabled or which have an AccountName and have Email containing “p@”


/Person[(((starts-with(Email, ‘P’)) and (accountDisabled = False)) or ((starts-with(AccountName, ‘%’)) and (contains(Email, ‘p@’))))]


Above searches might not make sense logically in real world scenarios but what I am trying to show here is that how easy it is to build complex XPath search strings without knowing the XPath language and doing it pretty easily on Powershell.. (And don’t get me started how many times I have messed up the brackets 😛 )

Enormous potential and implantation capabilities if you come to think of it..

Migrating Lost Identities from AD to MIM

Setting up a new identity system from scratch is so easy.. but we know that kinda never happens… we are always migrating from an old system to new or changing an existing system due to business changes.

We went through the same process whereby we went from an OpenLDAP (ODSEE) being our primary source to FIM/MIM pushing out to AD. We were syncing identities manually from ODSEE to AD via Perl scripts in the old days..

So after the original migration done we have a lot of identities in AD not joined to MIM i.e. Disconnectors as we know them. This was because as per our policy we always added / modified from ODSEE -> AD but never a delete. Thus it left a lot of users and groups in AD which never came across in the initial migration.

So once the migration was complete, the big mammoth task came to migrate the unknowns from AD -> MIM and then join the identities in AD.

Using few wonderful tools suite called Lithnet written by @RyanLNewington

NOTE: Always remember, my script are as-is and have lots of rules and logics specific to my environment and business needs. Its there to give a basic understanding on what can be done. You will obviously have to modify it for your environment and needs.


  • Migrate AD Disconnectors to MIM Service
  • Join them to AD
  • Make sure no existing values are overwritten in AD like sAMAccountName, DN, DisplayName etc
  • Make sure membership (member) is not lost. memberOf is not cared for atm as that will take care of itself (Point 4 below).
  • Sync Engine SHOULD NOT be provisioning. Stop the syncs (not service itself)


I wrote two different scripts – one to migrate users and one to migrate groups. There are some things to note here

  1. We have our own business rules engine called ACMA to which we provision all our identities which then generates all the required attribute values according to our business rules. So you will see each object being written to both FIMService and ACMA DB (SQL). Do have a look at it.. Its powerful yet so simple… Must have…
  2.  We have a unique ID which is pushed to all system called monashObjectID which is basically a random guid which is generated in ACMA DB. We use this to have a constant ID between all system and thus later helpful to join ID etc.
  3. Due to the above point, my script assumes that all objects in AD , if they have monashObjectID means they are connected to FIM/MIM. Thus, on reverse, if they don’t have it means they have to be migrated.
  4. Simplification of OUs: Due to our previous messy environment we have over 100-200 OU’s in AD where all these objects exist. In the new age, we have simplified it and MIM only manages 8-10 OU’s. Therefore according to the “Type” of the object being migrated they are moved to the respective new OU in AD prior to migration (you need rights to do so in AD if you migration account doesn’t so already). Again you can comment out the whole function if its not required.
  5. Groups gets tricky. As they can be member of another group and if they group doesn’t already exist in MIM, it will loose membership once imported, I decided to get around it by scripting a check that if the group has members and if all of those members have monashObjectID then dump them in a CSV file. Thus this migration is run multiple times.
    1. Create 1st batch of CSV for those groups who don’t have members or which all members exist in MIM (by checking their monashObjectID as that comes from MIM)
    2. Migrate them
    3. Export to AD – this will write out monashObjectID for the newly migrated groups
    4. Repeat step a-c till all are done.


Will start will user migrations as they can be members of a group. Again remember, loads of logic for our environment.

CSV Requirements

The CSV requires the following fields

  • Name: sAMAccountName of the user to be migrated
  • Type: We have accounttypes in our environment like person / service / custom etc. Need to mention that (or modify code to remove it)
  • OrgUnit: We need to mention an OrgUnit DisplayName for each user to which it belongs to (our environment specific again)
  • Owners: This is to mention the owner / supervisor of the user. They are sAMAccountName of already existing users in MIM. They can be multiple with ; separating them.

  • Script records everything via transcript command so you can set and forget, come back later and see what broke or potentially could break (loss of membership my main concern). Saves it to D:\ADUserMigration-{CSVFileName}.log
  • Asks for CSV file on run.
  • If the  “Type” is missing in CSV it will skip that user (MUST in our logic)
  • Moves the account to respective OU in AD as per the account type.
  • Checks if the user doesn’t have monashObjectID – thus good to migrate.
  • Creates the object in FIMService using LithnetRMA
    • Depending on the type either we set expiry date to never (9999-12-31) or two years from date of migration
    • Checks the owner if its a person or a group and then looks it up if it exits in MIM and adds it as owner.
    • If no owner then we set a default account we have as owner
    • Checks OrgUnit and if found it adds it to the object else sets a default OrgUnit.
  • Checks if the memberOf exists in MIM and adds the user to those groups in MIM.
  • Creates the object in ACMA
  • Repeats the steps above for all users in the CSV
  • Sync the identities in MIM via MIIS Powershell
    • Disables MRE Provisioning
    • DI the FIMService
    • DS / Commit just the ones which were migrated into MV (as its prod others could come in from Portal which needs MRE rules and thus excluding them)
    • DI ACMA MA
    • DS / Commit just the ones which were migrated into MV – this should join them due to our join rules looking for same fimserviceobjectID which was written to ACMA DB during create
    • DI AD MA – all moved objects will now show in correct OU in CS
    • DS / Commit just the ones which were migrated into MV – this will join due to our join rules looking for same sAMAccountName.
    • Enable provisioning
    • DS all of them again to make sure MRE rules apply to those objects for any provisioning if required.



Can’t remember to be honest but was quite quick (had nearly none to do for accounts)


Remember, loads of logic for our environment.

CSV Requirements

The CSV requires the following fields

  • Name: sAMAccountName of the group to be migrated
  • Type: We have account types in our environment like UserGroup / ServiceManagedGroup / IdMAuthZGroup etc. Need to mention that (or modify code to remove it)
  • ServiceID: For our environment – mandatory.
  • Owners: This is to mention the owner / supervisor of the user. They are sAMAccountName of already existing users in MIM. They can be multiple with ; separating them.
  • OrgUnit: We need to mention an OrgUnit DisplayName for each user to which it belongs to (our environment specific again.


  • Script records everything via transcript command so you can set and forget, come back later and see what broke or potentially could break (loss of membership my main concern). Saves it to D:\ADGroupMigration-{CSVFileName}.log
  • Asks for CSV file on run.
  • If the  “serviceID” is missing in CSV for a ServiceManagedGroup it will skip that user (MUST in our logic)
  • Moves the group to respective OU in AD as per the account type.
  • Checks if the group doesn’t have monashObjectID – thus good to migrate.
  • Creates the object in FIMService using LithnetRMA
    • Depending on the type either we set expiry date to never (9999-12-31) or two years from date of migration
    • Sets all as Security and Global groups.
    • Checks the owner if its a person or a group and then looks it up if it exits in MIM and adds it as owner.
    • If no owner then we set a default account we have as owner
    • Checks OrgUnit and if found it adds it to the object else sets a default OrgUnit.
    • Checks each member of the group and if they exist then adds them – else will spit out a warning that they will loose membership in AD (good to have logs eh?)
  • Checks if the memberOf exists in MIM and adds the user to those groups in MIM.
  • Creates the object in ACMA
  • Repeats the steps above for all users in the CSV
  • Sync the identities in MIM via MIIS Powershell
    • Disables MRE Provisioning
    • DI the FIMService
    • DS / Commit just the ones which were migrated into MV (as its prod others could come in from Portal which needs MRE rules and thus excluding them)
    • DI ACMA MA
    • DS / Commit just the ones which were migrated into MV – this should join them due to our join rules looking for same fimserviceobjectID which was written to ACMA DB during create
    • DI AD MA – all moved objects will now show in correct OU in CS
    • DS / Commit just the ones which were migrated into MV – this will join due to our join rules looking for same sAMAccountName.
    • Enable provisioning
    • DS all of them again to make sure MRE rules apply to those objects for any provisioning if required.



This has varied for me. It really depends on number of members for the group.. about 3-5 groups / min .. I did about 1500 groups with 90% of them having 0-10 members but the last few having upto 1100 members in 6.5 hrs.


Hopefully this will help someone and see what can be done by  combination of various tools out there.